The 11th Annual Mission At The Cross 5K Run/2 Mile Walk Restoration Run will be held Saturday, June 29, 2024, 7:30 am. Mission At The Cross is a recovery home and 12-month program for men struggling with addictions that provides food, shelter, clothing, medical assistance, daily Bible studies, classes and vo-tech training --- free-of-charge-to those who are ready for real change and true RESTORATION through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Every dollar that is given goes toward the restoration of more men, their lives and their families.
Just by registering for the Restoration Run, you will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a one week stay at the San Carlos Condo, Gulf Shores, a one week stay at Ramon's Village Resort in Belize, cash awards, door prizes and so much more!!!!

Date and Time
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Registration - 6:00 am
Start at 7:30 am
Mission At The Cross
324 South Magnolia St.
Laurel, MS 39440
Pre-registration -$30
Late and Race Day Registration- (June 19) - $35
Pine Belt Pacer Member- (pre-registration) - $25
Cheerleader - (non-racer)- $20
Contact Information
For more information contact Jennifer Prince at (601) 433-5633.
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